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Isn't Real Estate Investing Risky

I recently went out to eat with an old friend and was asked about my job. I shared that I work as a real estate investor, where I raise capital from investors to buy apartments. My friend asked if it was risky, and I agreed that it can be a lot of responsibility and carry some risk. However, upon reflection, I realized that I had not fully answered the question.

When it comes to risk, it's natural to focus on the potential negatives. But it's important to also consider the potential benefits and opportunities that may arise. In fact, taking risks can lead to great rewards and positive outcomes.

In my daily decision-making process, I weigh the pros and cons of each option and assess the potential outcomes. For instance, when deciding whether to indulge in a Snickers bar, I consider the fact that it's unhealthy but also that it tastes good and is free.

Similarly, when considering whether to pursue a business venture that involves raising funding from investors to purchase apartments, I evaluate the potential risks and rewards. While there is always a chance of failure, there are also great opportunities to provide investors with a conservative opportunity to earn more money, establish strong relationships with investors and team members, educate others about the real estate investment process, and have more time with my family. To mitigate risks, I ensure that I am surrounded by an experienced team and continue my education in the field.

When asked about the risks involved in my job, I emphasize that there is always a degree of risk, but there is also the potential for significant rewards.